Category Archives: Politics

Convictions in Politics: The Impact on Massachusetts Politicians’ Careers

In the world of politics, even the smallest misstep can leave a lasting impact. Some politicians in Massachusetts have faced this reality, finding themselves tangled in legal trouble that cast a long shadow on their careers. Today, we’ll explore these Massachusetts politicians with convictions, particularly the role of felonies and misdemeanors, and how these convictions influenced their professional lives.

Felonies: The Higher Stakes Game

Felony convictions represent the most severe legal troubles for Massachusetts politicians with convictions. Several well-known cases include:

  • Charles Flaherty, a former Massachusetts House Speaker, pleaded guilty to felony tax evasion in 1996. Interestingly, this incident didn’t halt his political career, with voters choosing him for another term.
  • Thomas Finneran, another past House Speaker, faced a conviction for felony obstruction of justice in 2007. He decided not to run for re-election after this incident.
  • In 2010, Dianne Wilkerson, a former state senator, experienced a conviction for attempted extortion, a felony. Her political career came to an end after this.

Misdemeanors: Lesser, but Still Significant

While misdemeanors carry less severe penalties than felonies, they’ve still deeply affected the careers of Massachusetts politicians with convictions:

  • Carlos Henriquez, once a state representative, received a conviction for misdemeanor assault and battery in 2014. The Massachusetts House of Representatives expelled him after this conviction.
  • Salvatore DiMasi, a former Massachusetts House Speaker, was convicted on multiple charges, including conspiracy, all misdemeanors. His political career finished with a prison sentence.
  • Joseph C. Sullivan, the former mayor of Braintree, got convicted of a misdemeanor OUI (Operating Under the Influence) in 2011. After his term, he decided not to seek re-election.
  • Jasiel Correia, the former mayor of Fall River, faced multiple fraud charges in 2021. Although these were misdemeanors, his political career ended abruptly.

How Convictions Shape Careers

The impact of a conviction on a politician’s career varies. While some, like Flaherty, survive felony convictions, others, like Henriquez, find their careers abruptly ending due to a misdemeanor. The judgment of the public and the current political climate often play significant roles in these

Disclaimer: This article is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information contained within this article may not be up-to-date, complete, or accurate. Do not rely on this information for any actions or decisions. Always consult with a professional legal advisor before making any legal decisions.