Tag Archives: Strong Passwords

Protecting Yourself from Online Stalking: Legal and Practical Aspects

Warren Lavallee, CISSP

In this article, we delve into the legal and practical aspects of protecting yourself from online stalking. We aim to equip you with knowledge and tools to safeguard your online privacy without compromising important relationships.

Understanding Cyberstalking

Cyberstalking, or online stalking, is the unwanted pursuit or harassment of an individual via the internet. Stalkers often use social media, email, instant messaging, and other platforms to monitor and harass their victims.

Strengthen Your Mobile Phone Security

Securing your mobile phone is crucial to protect yourself from online stalking. Consider these strategies:

Update OS and Apps

Keep your mobile phone’s operating system and applications updated. Updates often contain essential security patches that fix vulnerabilities.

Use Strong Passwords

Create strong, unique passwords for all accounts accessed through your mobile phone, and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) for extra security.

Monitor App Permissions

Pay attention to app permissions when installing new apps. Grant access only to necessary permissions and avoid apps requesting unreasonable access to personal data.

Secure Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when not in use, and avoid unsecured public networks. Cybercriminals can exploit these networks to intercept personal information.

Utilize a VPN

A VPN encrypts your internet connection and hides your IP address, making it difficult for stalkers to track your activities and location.

Safeguard Personal Information Online

Protecting personal information online is vital to prevent online stalking. Keep these tips in mind:

Limit Personal Information Sharing

Be cautious about the information you share online. Limit personal data disclosed on social media and other platforms.

Control Privacy Settings

Regularly review and adjust privacy settings on social media accounts and online platforms. Ensure profiles and posts are visible only to trusted contacts.

Avoid Unknown Contacts

Don’t accept friend requests, messages, or calls from unknown individuals. Stalkers often use fake profiles to access personal information.

Report and Block Harassment

Report any online harassment or suspected stalking to the appropriate platform or authorities. Block the individual to prevent further contact.


Online stalking poses a significant threat to the safety and well-being of internet users. By implementing robust mobile phone security measures and safeguarding personal information online, individuals can significantly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of online stalking. Remaining vigilant and proactive in protecting one’s digital footprint is essential in today’s interconnected world.